Almighty god, father of all mercies, we thine unworthy servants come to you with humble and sorrowful hearts to beg your mercy as we are going through great turmoil and distress in our time. Lord we pray that let not your mercy punish us for our sins and transgressions. Lord we admit that the whole human race gone astray from you and living in a way that is not pleasing to you. Merciful lord we all are sinners and we have nothing to claim other than pleading for your mercy that is new in every morning. O’ our great god and savior Jesus Christ please forgive us for the sake of your incarnation, crucifixion and resurrection for us. Lord remember your church and enable it to be a shining light in the midst of darkness that we are going through at this time. We do have no one to turn and we have no service to attend and we are in tumult and sorrow. Lord, please help your church and your children to stand up as faithful witnesses for you in this dark world. Have mercy upon us lord and have mercy upon us and save us from this dangerous illness and take it away from this world. Lord we pray for all the people of this world because all are suffering from it and fear is all around us. Help us to stay calm and trust you, our lord and savior who promised that you will never forsake us. Lord our god we believe that you are with us and watching over us. We thank you for your faithfulness and protecting us and our loved ones under your everlasting arms. We pray in the name of blessed trinity father, son and holy spirit, one true god. Holy mother of god pray for us and the whole world. All saints of god of all the ages intercede for us. Amen.
Category: Uncategorized
“Fast from criticism, and feast from praise
Fast from self-pity, and feast on joy
Fast from ill-temper, and feast on peace.
Fast from resentment, feast on contentment.
Fast from jealousy, and feast on love
Fast from pride, and feast on humility
Fast from selfishness, feast on service.
Fast from fear, and feast on faith”
Thought for the day
Live one day at a time because tomorrow is not promised.
Saint Anne’s Home
The mission of St. Anne’s Home is to provide adult women recovering from chemical dependency a wholesome and supportive environment for the purpose of empowering residents to live responsibly, independently and substance free.
Learn more about Saint Anne’s Home here: Saint Anne’s Home
We are currently seeking religious vocations from single women from 18-50 years old, without any family obligations, who are interested in a dedicated life to Christ. You might also wish to explore a second life vocation with our order.
Please contact us via our e-mail or phone number. We would love to have you visit and experience religious life first-hand.